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Blog - Hermiones Heart

Time for another of those blogs of note I have posted about. This time it is the turn of Hermiones Heart which she describes as a mature woman's sensitive, sometimes humorous, and always unique perspective on consensual, erotic spanking. Even better than that she seems like a really nice person from what I have seen and from what others say and 387 followers proves that point.

Hermione started her blog back in March 2008 and it has been going from strength to strength since then. What drives its success is her genuine interest in spanking and her wonder sense of humor. The best place to start reading is at the beginning with an introduction into her world and follow that by reading the first post on the blog. Then take your pick at any of the excellent posts. When she started she hoped that the blog would be reasonably interesting, hopefully entertaining and possibly informative, well I can say it is all those things and more. Although she claimed she wouldn't be posting everyday she managed to post the equivalent of a post a day since 2010, such is her interest in blogging. She has such novel ways of keeping your interest in her blog that you find yourself returning time and time again, the mark of a really good blog.

It goes without saying that I recommend Hermiones Heart to anyone that loves reading a good blog. It is full humor and deals with a subject close to my heart, spanking, and all that goes with it. If you haven't read it click on the link and take a look and I hope it hooks you as it hooked me.