Dominatrix Android

Stacy, the cybernetic humanoid which holds the mental patterns of Doctor Stephen Jennings, has developed dominatrix tendencies which are very troubling to her research team. Doctor Jennings had always been a bit of a tyrant in the lab, but Stacy would literally crack the whip. Plus she was at least 10 times as strong as an athletic man. Of the researchers, only Gerald, the bio-chemist seemed to work well with her, groveling and playing the submissive as if born to the role.

So when Stacy called a general meeting of the staff, there was quite a bit of tension when they filed in the room. But, she seemed on her best behavior, telling everyone that she was determined to improve team relations and get everyone pulling together again. That’s when Gerald released the bio-agent he’d been working on thru the air vents.

Various team members fell to the floor in pain as their bodies began to transform. Male members became weak feminized sissies, with muscles shrinking and their dicks shrinking down to nubs. The two female members became younger, their bodies firming, losing flabby stomachs and gaining breast mass. But all of them went to their knees and bowed down to Stacy.